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Celtic Goddess Names - F

An Irish goddess of poetry.

("tear"; also Fann, "weak or helpless person") In Irish and Manx Celtic myth Fand is a faery queen, who was once married to the sea god Manannan. After he left her she was preyed upon by three Fomorian warriors in a battle for control of the Irish Sea.

Her only hope in winning the battle was to send for the hero Cuchulainn, who would only agree to come if she would marry him. She acquiesced reluctantly to his wishes, though when she met him, she fell as deeply in love with him as he was with her. Manannan knew that the relationship between the human world and the world of the faery could not continue without in eventually destroying the faeries. He erased the memory of one from the other by drawing his magical mantle between the two lovers.

Fand was also a minor sea goddess who made her home both in the Otherworld and on the Islands of Man. With her sister, Liban, she was one of the twin goddesses of health and earthly pleasures. She was also known as "Pearl of Beauty". Some scholars believe she was a native Manx deity who was absorbed in the Irish mythology. Her name apparently derives from the same Aryan root that produces "Venus".

("hateful") An Irish war goddess, the wife of Nuada; daughter of Elcmar and of the Brugh.

An Irish Poet and prophetess in the service of Queen Medb.

An Irish prophetess who foretold the death of Queen Maeve.

A Scottish water demon, Fideal was one of those seductive maidens who, after luring their lovers into the water, dragged them under to drown.

Finchoem was an Irish goddess who conceived her child in an unusualway. She swallowed a worm from a magic well, hoping she would bear a hero. She did; his name was Conall, a prominent stalwart in Irish heroic legend.

This Irish heroine was the daughter of Queen Maeve and her consort, Aillil. Aillil opposed Findabar's choice of a husband, but Findabar married the mortal Froach anyway.

The Irish daughter of Ler, sister to Aedh, Conn, and Fiachra and, like them, a victim of Aife. She is also known as Nuala, as such regarded in some legends as Queen of Faerie (connected thereby into English mythology as Una).

Legend has it that she was held in enchantment by the powerful druid Amerach in Ireland. Amerach made Fiongalla vow never to sleep with a man until one brought magical yew berries, holly boughs, and marigolds from the earthly seat of power. A hero named Feargal actually managed to perform this almost impossible task, and won Fiongalla.

In Irish legend, the daughter of Lir, who was transformed into a swan and condemned to wander over the lakes and rivers until Christianity came to Ireland.

The younger of two daughters of an Irish king, she was courted by a neighboring king, but her father refused permission for her to marry until her older sister was wed. Not content to wait, the neighboring king kidnapped the older sister and claimed that she had been killed. Fithir was then married off to him. Years later, while she was on a hunting trip, Fithir ran across her sister who had been held captive all those years. The shock of seeing her sister alive killed Fithir. Her sister then wept herself to death.

("deer")An Irish Celtic goddess like Artemis; a huntress figure associated with archery, the sanctity of forests and the wildlife therein, and the chase. Unlike Artemis, however, Her lustiness and sexual appetite is legendary. She can be seen in forest, driving a chariot pulled by deer, and accompanied by stags.

(Fodla) ("under-Earth")She one of the three goddesses who ruled Ireland before the first Gaels, led by Amergin, came to the island. She was given the honor of naming Ireland. Her husband is king MacCecht. See also Banba and Eriu. Fotla is the wife of the Tuatha King MacCeacht.

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