Site Index


- A -
Adinda M/F dear younger sister/brother
Agung M grand, great
Agustina F born in August
Aini F the eye
Aman M safe
Ananda M dear (noble) son
Angkasa F the sky
Ardhi M mountain
Argo M mountain
Ari M inner skin
Arief M wise
Arif M wise
Arjuna M chivalrous
Arti F meaningful
Arto M money
Arum F smells good
Arya M warrior
Asmara M love
Asmo M name
Asmoro M love
Asoka F name of a flower
Ati F the heart
Atin F a common girl's name
Atmo M the soul
- B -
Bagaskoro M sun rays
Bagus M good
Bakti M obedient
Bambang M knight
Banyu M water
Baskoro M midday sun
Basuki M to flourish
Batara M God
Bayu M the wind
Bejo M lucky
Berkah M God's gift
Bethara M God
Bethari F Goddess
Bima M brave
Bimo M brave
Bintang M a star
Bisma M courageous
Bowo M personality
Budi M the wise one; conscience
Budiarto M good money
Budiman M the wise one
Budiwati F the wise one
Bujana M dinner party
Bulan M the moon
Bunga M flower
Buwono M the globe
- C -
Cahya M light
Cahyo M the light
Cahyono M light
Candra M the moon
Catur M the fourth child
Chahaya M light
Cipta to create
Cipto M to create
Citra F image
- D -
Darma M good deed
Dewi F Goddess
Diah F teenage girl
Dian M a candle
Dian F oil lamp
Dumadi M becoming
Dwi M/F the second child
- E -
Eka M/F the first child
Eko M the first child
Elang M falcon
Elok F beautiful; awesome; jewel
Emas M gold
Endah F beautiful
- G -
Galang M to assemble
Garuda M eagle
Gathot M name of a snack
Geni M fire
Gesang M life; alive
Gita M boy
Graha M building
Gunadi M meaningful
Gunawan M meaningful
Guntur M thunder
Guritno F poet; poetic
Gus M Moslem teacher
Gusti M Prince
- H -
Hamengku M guardian
Hamzah M good man
Harta M treasure; riches
Harto M treasure
Harum F smells good
- I -
Ijo M green
Ika F one
Iman M faithful
Indah F beautiful
Intan F diamond
Inten F diamond
Ismaya M wise; God-like
- J -
Jagat M planet earth
Jaka M young man
Jati M teak (oak)
Jaya M victorious
Joko M young man
Joyo M victorious
- K -
Kabul M fulfilled wish or prayer
Kade F a popular girl's name
Kali M river
Kamboja F Frangipani
Karna M gentlemanly
Karno M gentlemanly
Katon M visible
Kemala F magic stone
Kemuning F yellow flower
Kersen M a cherry
Kirana M beautiful ray of light
Krisna M wise
Kristina F Christian woman
Kristiono M Christian man
Kristiyana F Christian woman
Kristiyani F Christian woman
Kunthi F motherly
Kusuma M flower
Kusumo M flower
Kuwat M strong
- L -
Langgeng M everlasting
Langit M/F the sky
Lastri F a common girl's name
Legi F sweet
Lemah M the ground
Lesmana M a foolish night
Lestari F everlasting
- M -
Maharani F Empress
Marshanda F brave girl
Mawar F roses
Mega F clouds
Melati F jasmine (flower)
Merpati F a dove
Mlathi F jasmine (flower)
Mulia M noble
Murni F pure
Musa M Moses in English
Mustika F magic stone; talisman
- N -
Nakula M one of a twin
Natalia F born on Christmas Day
Ndari F full moon
Netro M the eye; vision
Niken F village girl
Ningrat M/F noble (aristocrat)
Ningrum F inside the soul
Ningsih F with love
Nini F old woman
Nirmala F clear, pure
Nur F light
Nuri F colourful bird
- P -
Panut M good example
Peni F pretty
Perak M silver
Permata M/F precious stones
Pertiwi F the earth
Perwira M officer (Military)
Perwiro M officer (Military)
Ponco M five
Prakoso M strong
Pramana M wisdom
Pratama M the first (status)
Puja M/F to worship
Puntadewa M silent
Purnomo M full moon
Purwanto M the youngest male child
Putra M Prince; son
Putri F Princess
- R -
Rachmad M blessed
Raden M lesser nobility
Raharjo M plentiful
Rahmad M blessed
Rahmat M blessed
Ramelan M a prophecy
Rara F lesser nobility
Ratih F Goddess of Beauty
Ratu F Queen
Ria F merry
Rima F rhyme
Rimbo M jungle
Rino M day
Riyadi M religious holiday
Rojo M King
- S -
Sadewa M one of a twin
Sakti M/F hard to beat
Sampoerna M perfect
Sanjaya M victor
Santoso M peaceful
Sapto M the seventh child
Saraswati F Hindu Goddess of Learning
Sari F essence
Sarwendah F wholly beautiful
Satriyo M knight
Satya M faithful
Sembojo F Frangipani
Senen M Monday
Sentosa M robust
Setia M loyal, faithful
Setiawan M loyal, faithful
Setiawati F loyal, faithful
Seto M white
Sigit M handsome
Sinta F chastity
Siti F noble woman; earth
Slamet M saved
Soleh M pious
Sugiarto M rich
Sujatmi F a popular girl's name
Sukma F the soul
Sukmo M the soul
Sura M martial arts champ
Surya M the sun
Susila M righteous
- T -
Teguh M tough
Tirta M water
Tirto M water
Topan M hurricane
Tri M/F the third child
Tuti F an unusual girl's name
- U -
Unggul M superior
Untung M lucky
Utama M/F prominent; ultimate
Utari F patient
- W -
Wahyu M enlightenment
Waluyo M long-lived
Wangi F fragrant
Wani M/F daring
Wening F quiet
Wibawa M charisma
Wibowo M charisma
Wicaksono M wise
Widi M benevolent
Widodo M safe and sound
Wijaya M victorious
Wiji M seed
Wira M hero
Wiyoto M musician
Wulan F moon
- Y -
Yuda M war


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