Aboriginal Names
- Allira, daughter.
- Amarco, beautiful place.
- Aroona. running Water.
- Attunga, highplace.
- Awoonga, sheet of Water.
- Baranbali, towards the east.
- Barkala, bush shades.
- Bimbadeen, good view.
- Bimbimbie, place of many birds.
- Binnowee, green place.
- Boanyoo, outlook.
- Bultarro, north wind.
- Bundaleer, among the hills.
- Cooinda, happy place.
- Elandra, home by the sea.
- Glaginye, glad to see you, welcome.
- Girawheen, place of flowers.
- Givinganna, lookout.
- Illawarra, high place near the sea.
- Illalangi, home on the hill.
- Illoura, pleasant place.
- Illuka, near the sea.
- Jingella, green bank.
- Kareela, south wind.
- Karinya, peaceful home.
- Karribi, headland
- Kateena, daughter.
- Kinta, laughter.
- Kurrajong, tree.
- Kyeema, dawn.
- Mallaganee, hill with pine trees.
- Marawarpina, stretch out the hand.
- Mawarra, pleasant place.
- Miri-miri, high up.
- Moonya, home.
- Omaroo, beautiful view.
- Oodlawirra, hill & tree country.
- Orana, welcome.
- Paringa, home at the river.
- Tanjenong, lofty.
- Taworri, evening breeze.
- Tirrike, laughter, joy.
- Ulmarra, bend in the river.
- Wambiri, sea coast.
- Wangara, west wind.
- Warrawong, side of a hill.
- Warrina, place of rest.
- Warriwarri, long chain of hills.
- Weemala, distant view.
- Yarrabee, many gums.
- Yeramba, place of gum trees.
- Yuranga, extensive view.
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